During the period from June 03 up to June 07, 2024, ICAO Training Institute of NAU conducted an advanced training course “Safety Management System” for the management staff of the handling organization “VIP Services Group” LLC and the airports “Ganja” and “Zaqatala” (Republic of Azerbaijan).
The course has conducted by ICAO instructor, deputy director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Cooperation and Education, Doctor of Economic Sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, professor of the Department of Logistics of the National Aviation University Dmytro Bugaiko.
During the training process, the special attention has paid to the development of the interface between airports and handling organizations in order to support the national agreed level of aviation safety of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The course is the next step in the implementation of the multi-year program of retraining of civil aviation managers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which is making at the basis of ICAO Training Institute of NAU.