Organization of systematic training and advanced training of aviation safety for managers of civil aviation enterprises in Ukraine is a strategic task of the ICAO Training Institute and its instructors. This activity is of particular importance in times of war, when the Ukrainian aviation industry operates under difficult conditions of national airspace closure and operating exclusively from bases in other countries of the world.

The next step in the process of methodical training of the industry in modern conditions was the holding of the advanced training course “Safety Management System (SMS)” by the ICAO Training Institute of NAU. It was done in the period from 09 to 13 September 2024 for senior and line management staff of the airlines “Motor Sich Airline”, “Aviation Company Ukrainian Helicopters” PJSC, “Supernova Airlines” LLC, Aircompany “Constanta airline” PJSC, “Antonov Airlines’ and the “Lviv” Danylo Halytskyi International Airport.

The courses have conducted by ICAO instructor, Deputy Director of the Training and Research Institute of International Cooperation and Education, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Transport Academy of Ukraine, Professor of the Logistics Department of the National Aviation University Dmytro Bugayko. The trainees highly appreciated the course and the professionalism of the instructor.
Familiarization of the industry management with the basic standards and recommended practices in the aspects of SMS implementation and exchange of experience regarding the application of modern international industry practices is the key to maintaining a nationally acceptable level of aviation safety in Ukraine.