- Інститут ІСАО продовжує готувати та переатестовувати висококваліфікованих інструкторів з авіаційної безпеки
- Національний курс «Базова підготовка персоналу служби авіаційної безпеки»
- Інститут =ІСАО= КАІ розпочав курс «Базова підготовка персоналу служби авіаційної безпеки»
- Курс ІСАО “Підготовка інструкторів з авіаційної безпеки”
- Курс «Система управління безпекою авіації» ІСАО для фахівців цивільної авіації Киргизії та України
The name of the Institute is associated with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which was established to ensure the effective and regular development of the global air transport system as well as the development of regulatory framework for safety in aviation.
The first steps of close cooperation between the National Aviation University (NAU) and ICAO began in the 80’s, when seminars and workshops were conducted at the NAU under the auspices of this organization.
The University participated in the implementation of ICAO programs:
- specialists training;
- recurrent training of military pilots;
- development and translation of ICAO materials.
In 1996, the ICAO European Regional Aviation Security Training Center was established at the National Aviation University due to its reputation all over the world. The Center received an international certificate which permits to conduct training of all aviation personnel categories employed by aviation companies in the area of aviation security.
In 2002, the National Aviation University opened the ICAO European Regional Training Center for state inspectors involved in flight safety and airworthiness.
The both centers implement the ICAO methodology using the Standards and Recommended Practices. Specialists training is carried out in accordance with the module system in ICAO languages and Ukrainian in Ukraine and in other countries. The training is performed by highly qualified, ICAO certified and experienced experts.
To ensure the coordination of aviation safety training and recurrent training, the ICAO Institute was established in the National Aviation University in 2003. The Institute includes:
the ICAO European Regional Aviation Security Training Center
the European Regional Government Safety Inspectors Training Center
as well as national training centers.
National Training Centre «Aviation English» provides training and testing of flight crew members and Aviation English raters/examiners.
Recurrent training and upgrading training of various specialists are conducted at the National Center for Aviation Safety.
To restore the activity of civil aviation in Ukraine, it is very important to preserve the professional level of training of specialists in the aviation industry. The ICAO Institute is doing everything necessary to preserve and improve the professional level of specialists in the aviation industry in the current conditions.
Professor Galyna Suslova was the founder and leader of the ICAO Institute until the last days of her life, She was ICAO expert, national coordinator of the ICAO standards implementation in Ukraine. Currently, students and followers of Halyna Andriivna Suslova are continuing the development of civil aviation in Ukraine.
The name of the Institute is associated with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which was established to ensure the effective and regular development of the global air transport system as well as the development of regulatory framework for safety in aviation.
The first steps of close cooperation between the National Aviation University (NAU) and ICAO began in the 80’s, when seminars and workshops were conducted at the NAU under the auspices of this organization.
The University participated in the implementation of ICAO programs:
- specialists training;
- recurrent training of military pilots;
- development and translation of ICAO materials.
In 1996, the ICAO European Regional Aviation Security Training Center was established at the National Aviation University due to its reputation all over the world. The Center received an international certificate which permits to conduct training of all aviation personnel categories employed by aviation companies in the area of aviation security.
In 2002, the National Aviation University opened the ICAO European Regional Training Center for state inspectors involved in flight safety and airworthiness.
The both centers implement the ICAO methodology using the Standards and Recommended Practices. Specialists training is carried out in accordance with the module system in ICAO languages and Ukrainian in Ukraine and in other countries. The training is performed by highly qualified, ICAO certified and experienced experts.
To ensure the coordination of aviation safety training and recurrent training, the ICAO Institute was established in the National Aviation University in 2003. The Institute includes the:
- ICAO European Regional Aviation Security Training Center;
- European Regional Government Safety Inspectors Training Center;
- Aviation Safety Training Centre;
- Aviation English Training Centre.
National Training Centre «Aviation English» provides training and testing of flight crew members and Aviation English raters/examiners.
Recurrent training and upgrading training of various specialists are conducted at the National Center for Aviation Safety.
To restore the activity of civil aviation in Ukraine, it is very important to preserve the professional level of training of specialists in the aviation industry. The ICAO Institute is doing everything necessary to preserve and improve the professional level of specialists in the aviation industry in the current conditions.
Professor Galyna Suslova was the founder and leader of the ICAO Institute until the last days of her life, She was ICAO expert, national coordinator of the ICAO standards implementation in Ukraine. Currently, students and followers of Halyna Andriivna Suslova are continuing the development of civil aviation in Ukraine.
Since 2003 employees of aviation administrations, airlines, airports, aviation enterprises, flying clubs and aviation educational establishments from Ukraine and 77 countries of the world have been trained and retrained in the training centers. The high prestige of the ICAO Training Institute is confirmed by the constant increase in the number of students and scope of activities. The international certificates were issued to aviation experts from 34 countries, namely Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Georgia, Iraq, Ireland, Jordan, Spain, Kazakhstan, Congo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Sweden and Estonia.
The name of the Institute is associated with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which was established to ensure the effective and regular development of the global air transport system as well as the development of regulatory framework for safety in aviation.
The first steps of close cooperation between the National Aviation University (NAU) and ICAO began in the 80’s, when seminars and workshops were conducted at the NAU under the auspices of this organization.
The University participated in the implementation of ICAO programs:
- specialists training;
- recurrent training of military pilots;
- development and translation of ICAO materials.
In 1996, the ICAO European Regional Aviation Security Training Center was established at the National Aviation University due to its reputation all over the world. The Center received an international certificate which permits to conduct training of all aviation personnel categories employed by aviation companies in the area of aviation security.
In 2002, the National Aviation University opened the ICAO European Regional Training Center for state inspectors involved in flight safety and airworthiness.
The both centers implement the ICAO methodology using the Standards and Recommended Practices. Specialists training is carried out in accordance with the module system in ICAO languages and Ukrainian in Ukraine and in other countries. The training is performed by highly qualified, ICAO certified and experienced experts.
To ensure the coordination of aviation safety training and recurrent training, the ICAO Institute was established in the National Aviation University in 2003. The Institute includes:
- ICAO European Regional Aviation Security Training Center;
- European Regional Government Safety Inspectors Training Center;
- Aviation English Training Centre;
- Aviation Safety Training Centre.
National Training Centre «Aviation English» provides training and testing of flight crew members and Aviation English raters/examiners.
Recurrent training and upgrading training of various specialists are conducted at the National Center for Aviation Safety.
To restore the activity of civil aviation in Ukraine, it is very important to preserve the professional level of training of specialists in the aviation industry. The ICAO Institute is doing everything necessary to preserve and improve the professional level of specialists in the aviation industry in the current conditions.
Professor Galyna Suslova was the founder and leader of the ICAO Institute until the last days of her life, She was ICAO expert, national coordinator of the ICAO standards implementation in Ukraine. Currently, students and followers of Halyna Andriivna Suslova are continuing the development of civil aviation in Ukraine.
The effective business relations between the Institute and ICAO were extremely successful in carrying out a large number of joint activities on aviation safety issues at the international level. Among these measures the World Congress «Aviation in XXI century», International and European regional seminars on the new format flight plan (FPL), on the implementation of a mechanism of continuous monitoring of aviation safety, and on air traffic safety, and training courses under the auspices ICAO.
The ICAO Training Institute effectively cooperates with the aviation administrations of many countries regarding the regionalization of international training programs and recognition of national aviation specialists training programs based on the implementation of best practices.