Training courses
Courses Under Auspices of ICAO

The goal of this course is to retrain the management of the Civil Aviation Authorities and aviation enterprises, as well as persons responsible for the development and implementation of the safety management system in the structure of organization, for organizing proactive measures for aviation safety. It is course for identifying hazards in the aviation system and assessing risks, for introducing monitoring of the safety performance objectives, targets and indicators.
Primary Target Population: Head or Deputy Head of Civil Aviation Authorities and aviation enterprises (aircraft operators, aircraft maintenance, ATC, aerodromes and airports, organizations responsible for design of aircraft type, handling organizations and flight training organizations) or their structural subdivisions, flight safety inspector, head person responsible for the development and implementation of an aviation safety management system
Duration: 40 hours (5 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 400.00 EUR
National Courses

The course has aimed at developing competencies and skills aimed at organizing a system for monitoring the flight activities (flight operations) of operators. The course provides an understanding of approaches to safety management, quality management in aviation transport and elements of a continuous monitoring system.
Primary Target Population: inspectors of air transport control bodies, heads of department, staff responsible for certification
Duration: 48 hours (6 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 350.00 EUR
Course presents for participants the modern complex knowledge of the legal basis of the aircraft airworthiness’ international and national regulations. It presents the management approaches based on ICAO standards and recommended practice. This training course has developed in accordance with EASA regulations, such as:
- EASA Part 21 – Aircraft Type Certification;
- EASA Part 145 – Aircraft Maintenance Organization;
- EASA Part 147 – Maintenance Training Organization;
- EASA Part 66 – Maintenance Personal Licensing;
- EASA Part M – Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization.
Primary Target Population: staff of the aviation transport enterprises, which is responsible for maintenance and repair of aircraft, as well as other specialists in the transport industry
Duration: 40 hours (5 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 300.00 EUR
After completing the course, the heads of aviation activities will be able to organize and conduct strategic and operational management of the aviation safety at the organization level.
Primary Target Population: Head or Deputy Head of Civil Aviation Authorities and aviation enterprises (aircraft operators, aircraft maintenance, ATC, aerodromes and airports, organizations responsible for design of aircraft type, handling organizations and flight training organizations) or their structural subdivisions, flight safety inspector, head person responsible for the development and implementation of an aviation safety management system
Duration: 16 hours (2 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 250.00 EUR
The course will provide participants with a legal, organizational and methodological basis and new information for the prompt implementation of the Quality Management System at the aviation enterprises, their integration with the safety management system, ensuring the implementation of operational aspects of support. At the same time, carrying out inspections of civil aviation enterprises, forming a formalized indicator of acceptable risk.
Primary Target Population: inspection staff of the CAA, management staff and specialists of airline companies who take part in the creation and ensuring the functioning of quality management systems (responsible for quality, internal and external auditors, etc.)
Duration: 24 hours (3 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 300.00 EUR
The main objectives of the course are to deepen the knowledge of participants about the concepts of aviation safety management and the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) on safety management set out in Annexes 1, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 19, in terms of implementing the philosophy and practice of proactive risk management. Particular attention has paid to the methodological aspects of the risk management system, as well as a wide sharing of world best practices.
Primary Target Population: Head or Deputy Head of Civil Aviation Authorities and aviation enterprises (aircraft operators, aircraft maintenance, ATC, aerodromes and airports, organizations responsible for design of aircraft type, handling organizations and flight training organizations) or their structural subdivisions, flight safety inspector, head person responsible for the development and implementation of an aviation safety risk management assessment system
Duration: 24 hours (3 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 350.00 EUR
The purpose of the program is to acquaint course participants with the basic methods and means of visual flight safety at civil aviation aerodromes.
Primary Target Population: Engineers, electricians of the aerodromes
Duration: 48 hours (6 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 400.00 EUR
The purpose of the program is training for the meteorological assurance of flight safety for high-quality and effective performance of professional duties during the preparation and execution of aircraft flights, during aeronautical maintenance of flights and directly meteorological assurance of flights at aerodromes and airfields.
Primary Target Population: Specialists whose duties are related to issues of meteorological service of civil aviation, namely for operators, air traffic service bodies, search and rescue services, airport and airline administrations, meteorological bodies that are not part of the State Hydrometeorological Service and other bodies, related to the maintenance of civil aviation
Duration: 24 hours (3 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 350.00 EUR
The purpose of the program is to acquaint the personnel of organizations of civil aviation industry with the peculiarities of the audit process within the framework of the regulatory compliance system, with the procedure for conducting an internal audit taking into account the provisions of the ICAO, EASA documents and the requirements of the internal aviation rules. The training program envisages providing the staff of civil aviation organizations with an algorithm of actions during the audit and an exemplary list and sample forms of documents necessary for conducting an audit within the framework of the regulatory compliance monitoring system.
Primary Target Population: staff of civil aviation organizations, namely airlines, aerodrome operators, educational institutions, developers of aviation equipment, etc.
Duration: 32 hours (4 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 400.00 EUR
The main objectives of the course are to deepen participants’ knowledge of safety management concepts and ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) for safety management set out in Annexes 13 and 19. Particular attention has paid to methodological aspects in the investigation of aviation accidents, the formation and development of investigative skills to achieve the goal of preventing accidents in the future, as well as a wide exchange of information regarding world experience in this area.
Primary Target Population: Flight Safety Inspector responsible for the development and implementation of an aviation risk management system or a person directly involved in accident investigations or analysis of flight safety data (be nominated for such a post)
Duration: 24 hours (3 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 400.00 EUR
The program has aimed for training the staff of the aircraft ground handling departments of commercial service entities at airports in the culture of safety, namely its principles, ways and means of implementation, maintenance and improvement.
Primary Target Population: staff of ground handling entities, who directly perform the function of providing aircraft ground handling services, operational management personnel of ground handling entities, who carry out organization, management and control during the execution of aircraft ground handling processes, management personnel of sub ground handling facilities
Duration: 8 hours (1 day)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 100.00 EUR
The purpose of the course is to prepare the management of aircraft operators, as well as persons responsible for the preparation and implementation of the company’s controlled documentation, to acquire the status of “IOSA Operator (IATA Operational Safety Audit)”, the preparation of a quality audit of the airline’s quality management system in accordance with ISARP (IOSA Standards and Recommended Practices).
Primary Target Population: Airline Flight Ops, Operation Control Services (Dispatch Services), Corporate Managers, Ground Handling Managers, Maintenance Managers, Cargo Managers, Aviation Security Managers, Safety and Quality Managers, Quality Assurance Managers, Safety Managers, Liaison managers with the Authority
Duration: 24 hours (3 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 400.00 EUR
The goal of the course SAFA (Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft) is to retrain the management of the European Community and other non-EU SAFA member airlines. The main objectives of the course are to deepen the knowledge of participants about the concepts of SAFA/SACA (Safety Assessment of Community Aircraft) /SANA (Safety Assessment of National Aircraft) RIP (Ramp Inspections Programme). SANA Ramp inspections Programme should comply with the requirements of EASA Part ARO, Subpart RAMP, which specifies the requirements for the SAFA, and SACA.
Primary Target Population: Airline Flight Ops, Ground Ops, Maintenance, Airworthiness intermediary management and their correspondents, Quality Inspectors, Safety managers, Quality Assurance managers, and Liaison managers with the Authority
Duration: 24 hours (3 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 400.00 EUR
The purpose of the course is to provide participants with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to develop a risk management system in order to prevent violations of safety requirements for ground maintenance of aircraft, violations of technological discipline, prevention of damage and preconditions for damage to aircraft, and preservation of ground equipment and mechanisms.
Primary Target Population: Ground handling service providers, the ground handling companies
Duration: 16 hours (2 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 200.00 EUR
Safety during the providing of ground and passenger handling has the highest priority. The creation, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the Safety Management System or integrated safety and quality management systems is a necessity to guarantee the compliance of the services with the aircraft ground handling in accordance with international and state standards for safety and quality.
Primary Target Population: Ground handling service providers, the ground handling companies
Duration: 16 hours (2 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 250.00 EUR
Understand the service system needed provide great service. How to develop empathy to understand your clients better? The negative experience. How to avoid it?
Primary Target Population: Passenger service providers
Duration: 16 hours (2 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
The course provides the systematic knowledge about the activities of international organizations that form the regulatory framework for regulating the activities of the world of aviation society. It is studying the main ICAO recommendations on the formation of the system of a state regulation of aviation activity and the main principles of its functioning. It is learning the mastering modern principles, methods and procedures of state regulation of aviation activities, which have implemented at certain stages of the life cycle of aircraft, as well as methods and approaches of incorporating international aviation legislation into national aviation legislation.
Primary Target Population: staff of the aviation transport enterprises, which is responsible for maintenance and repair of aircraft
Duration: 40 hours (5 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 400.00 EUR
The course provides the systematic knowledge about the influence of the human factor on activities in the field of air transport. It is studying the main recommendations by ICAO on this issue. It is mastering theoretical knowledge about the characteristics and limitations of a person as an object of research, the basis of the influence of the characteristics and limitations of a person on the results of his labor activity and the characteristics of the environment on the results of a person’s labor activity.
Primary Target Population: staff of the aviation transport enterprises, which is responsible for maintenance and repair of aircraft, as well as other specialists in the transport’s field
Duration: 40 hours (5 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 400.00 EUR
The course provides methodical knowledge about the principles, methods, mechanisms and techniques of certification of aerodromes, as well as the formation of skills and abilities to carry out such activities. The course can provide theoretical knowledge about:
- ensuring the required level of flight safety;
- compliance of aerodromes with the international standards;
- systems of the training for both management and aerodromes staff.
This training course has developed in accordance with ICAO and EASA regulations, such as:
- ІСАО Doc. 7300 – Convention on International Civil Aviation;
- ICAO Annex 14 – Aerodromes;
- ICAO Annex 19 – Safety Management;
- ІСАО Doc. 9981 PANS – Aerodromes;
- ІСАО Dос. 9137 – Airport Services Manual;
- EASA ADR Regulation 139/2014 – Requirements and administrative procedures related to aerodromes.
Primary Target Population: staff of the aviation transport enterprises, which is responsible for aerodrome support
Duration: 40 hours (5 days)
Language: English
Location: Virtual / Classroom at the customer base (transportation and accommodation at the customer’s expense)
Fee: 450.00 EUR